Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is characterised by:
- Various forms of transport services working together.
- One ticket or subscription, bought and paid for by the end user, for these combined services.
- A wide variety of tickets and subscriptions that users can choose from.
- The flexibility needed to change and extend the arrangements offered.
MaaS is an upcoming and growing market, parties want (and need) to pick their territory now.
It used to be the case that the average commuter would take the same old route, day in, day out, using only one means of transport. That’s over. Instead, the modern working day varies in location: office, home, or another selected meeting venue. Combining several means of transport in just one journey, ranging from car, bus, taxi, metro or train, to a bike or an electric scooter.
We want to offer our customers a smooth ride on public transport. Interconnected transportation links, working together, also in respect to ticketing and payment. In other words, all the possibilities in one payment.
Data generated by each of these links, needs to be connected with a single transaction made by the customer. Leading to each of the partners getting their share of the income, based on delivered performance and contractual agreements.
What are the components of MaaS?
- It all starts with the creation and storage of data from various transport services, bundled together in tickets and subscriptions.
- After they have been established, these services must be made available in web shops and ticketing offices.
- Then there’s the public, who need to have access to the new possibilities. This can be on an individual basis, but more often than not, it’s companies offering their staff access to MaaS packages. Choices made by employees then have to be managed and integrated within the payroll system.
- Now we’re at the point where data on the trips made, needs to enter a central location. Where the calculation of each party’s share is executed. Sometimes this is based on the trips, other times, on a higher level, based on subscriptions. This is where incoming payments play a crucial role.
- The final stage is the payments to all the participants.
- If customer payments are being missed, credit management is needed, with all the reminders and other actions that entail.
This brings us to the systems needed for this kind of networked MaaS administration. We could choose for the individual administrations from each of the participants, allowing them to remain in their role. Connecting them to a certain extent, in an agreed manner. However, because of the differences between the administrations, it’s far easier to choose for a new dedicated MaaS administration. Using and supplying data to the partners.
Such a system must of course be state of the art. Fully equipped for big data: high volumes, diverse data and the need for speed.
Everything embedded in systems shouldn’t be set in concrete. We believe permanent flexibility is a must. Marketing and sales staff should absolutely not be limited by administrative impediments. Instead, we want to encourage them to create whatever mobility service portfolio they want. While we do the financial stuff, hidden under the bonnet.
ICORP software is well-versed for the purposes of MaaS.
- ICORP software is full of algorithms, which are not predefined but defined during the implementation of a MaaS project.
- It’s fully loaded with data collection facilities, especially web services that can be used in other systems.
- It can handle large amounts of data.
- It’s flexible and can easily be adjusted.
Switching back to MaaS: it may look rather simple at first sight, but looking deeper you will see that it can actually be quite complex. For example: you can use a taxi on all weekdays, except Friday. Or a rented bike is at your disposal on workdays for free, while the subscription can still be used at the weekend, but will then be charged for 50% of the rental amount. That amount then to be calculated, and taken out of your salary. Different groups within one company can choose from arrangement X, Y or Z. While other departments are entitled to arrangement Y and only certain parts of arrangement Z. All this information needs some serious administration.
ICORP can help!
- We can help organisations find their place in the MaaS network, and work seamlessly with other partners. Where each party has their own responsibilities and needs. This also means levelling the scale differences between the partners: a national rail company and a scooter rental start-up, for example. Boosting professionalism. Sounds difficult? We make it easy.
- Secondly, we can help the MaaS network as a whole, for all parties collectively. What’s being offered, what transport is being used, for how much of the journey it is being used and of course, what needs to be paid out. From the very highest level to the smallest tiniest detail, all in one.
- We can also help with the ticketing side of MaaS: order placement and the payments by end customers. We have a B2C portal specially designed for this purpose. It’s up to you to select the options that best suit your needs.
ICORP can help when you have a rather outdated administration system, with old applications or systems landscapes. Also when your daily (IT) business is already so hectic that you can’t bear to think about any further aggravation.
Leave the administrative and financial complexities and headaches to ICORP. The only thing you have to do is take out a subscription to our SaaS. From that moment on, we take care of the algorithms and financial aspects of your MaaS offering.
Following a turnkey project, you can take full control of your MaaS business.